Jewellery Podcasts


When I'm working away making your jewellery and designing new pieces I go through phases of working in absolute silence, listening to playlists or the radio, binging Netflix or listening to podcasts. At the moment I'm in a podcast phase and have found a few fantastic jewellery related podcasts I thought I'd share.


Alex Alfieri and Monty Cutteridge talk about the trials and tribulations of setting up and running Butterlane Antiques. They give a fantastic insight into an antique jewellery business through fascinating, unexpected and captivating anecdotes that tell of both the highs and lows of trading antique jewellery as well as some amazing stories about the jewellery pieces Alex and Monty have encountered along the way. (Through this podcast I learned that Monty Don of Gardeners World used to be a jeweller)

This Is A Token with Alex Monroe

Jewellery designer Alex Monroe looks at what jewellery means to other people through weekly interviews exploring their favourite or most sentimental pieces of jewellery, uncovering the wonderful moving stories that are connected to each piece. This one is a favourite of mine, I just love hearing the stories behind jewellery and the way people can interpret a piece or how it can act as a memento connecting them to a specific memory or person. It's what my graduate collection was all about and why I love making jewellery for special occasions.

Jewellers Academy

If you are interested in learning about making and running a jewellery business this podcast is full of helpful tips and practical advice from Jewellers Academy founder Jessica Rose. In amongst the business tips, Jessica also interviews inspiring people working in the creative industries about what they do.


(OK these last two aren't strictly jewellery podcasts, but one IS hosted by a jeweller!)


Independent Thinking

Is there still a place for physical retail stores, can we see a future of a new, local high street full of small, independent creative businesses? I certainly think so! Alexandra speaks to some of Scotlands amazing creatives and independent thinkers, celebrating all of the wonderfully creative things they have been doing, despite the difficult circumstances the pandemic has brought and discusses the future of the high street.

How Scotland Crafts

Scottish jewellery designer Heather McDermott explores the unique stories of makers from all kinds of industries and backgrounds. In each interview, Heather talks to Scottish makers about their inspiration, where they work from and how they got there.

If you listen to any of these let me know what you think, or pass on your own recommendations in the comments section below.